The Pitztal spring
Pitztal on the way to becoming a World Heritage Site for water
The source of the Weisswald spring is in Weisswald. The Sports & Vitality Hotel Seppl is supplied directly by the natural spring, which rises at 1,580 metres above sea level. The spring catchment area is located in the Kaunergrat mountain range, which forms part of the Pitztal Alps.
The spring source was discovered and developed by “Sepp Füruter”, after whom the hotel was named and built. Bruno Füruter, his son and current owner of the hotel, has expanded the spring and subjected it to numerous tests and patents. The results of analysis of the spring water have produced sensational values.
How it began
The Pitztal valley was created by the natural power of water in all its aggregate states. After the retreat of the glaciers during the last ice ages of Günz, Mindel, Riss and Würm (approx. 10,000 years ago), the basic shape of the Pitztal valley was formed.
These eras were followed by the age of water in its liquid form in Pitztal. Starting below the Wildspitze peak – Tyrol’s highest mountain at 3,772 m – the two main streams flow in a northerly direction. The Taschachferner glacier – which was until recently the mightiest icefall in the Eastern Alps – and the Mittelbergferner glacier (“Ferner” means glacier in Austrian dialect) form the actual source of the Pitze river, also known as Pitzbach. Both merge below Mittelberg after the two power plant dams in Griestal and Taschachtal.
There are many waterfalls to admire as you head north out of the valley, which are fed by the tributaries of the Pitze river (including Lussbach Fall, Seebach Fall, Schützes Fall, Klockele Fall, Stuibenwasserfall, Pfitschebach Fall, to name but a few).
The water from the Pitztal spring has a very low mineral content. The “extremely soft water” has an ideal PH value. Contrary to popular opinion, the fewer minerals there are in water, the better it is for your health. This is because water with a low mineral content is better suited to cleansing the body as it has a much greater potential to absorb and flush out harmful substances. Toxins and waste products from the blood and connective tissue can be excreted gently.
Hotel Seppl does not just have still "Weisswalder Quellwasser” spring water from the Pitztal spring, but carbonated water too. Our spring water is also bottled directly into carafes and served to you to enjoy at the table. You are also welcome to take a bottle of “Weisswalder Quellwasser” from the Pitztal spring home with you. Our spring water has scored excellent results in laboratory tests as water for everyday dental health.
Enjoy one of the most precious commodities and foodstuffs of our time, which has its origin in the region, the birthplace of quartz.
In affinity with nature